
Reflections on Genesis Readings
Reflections · 24. January 2023
Joseph's life was such that he became reunited with his family and loved ones in Egypt; the different path God wanted Joseph to take that led to a better outcome not just for him but even for those around him. All their sad and bad experiences in the past would eventually blur to oblivion and their tears wiped out. Isn’t this just like what God promised for us when Jesus comes again and we get reunited in the earth made new?
Reflection on January 14 Reading
Reflections · 16. January 2023
The family of Joseph maybe dysfunctional yet he grew to be an upright, firm servant of God. When we are attuned to the working of the Holy Spirit, we, like Joseph will be able to endure and come out victorious over all personal shame, family betrayal, isolation and separation. God’s reasons and purpose may not be apparent during the most difficult situations but God will see us through.

Reflection on January 11 Reading
Reflections · 12. January 2023
O how great is the transformation when we surrender ourselves to God and His ministrations. He comes to us during our deepest needs; He erases the pain that sin causes and replaces everything with the joy and peace that only comes from Him. Jacob and Esau have overcome their weaknesses and won over their anger, their self-reliance, their desire to supplant each other. They found favor from each other and saw the face of God on their countenances.
Reflection on January 10 Reading
Reflections · 11. January 2023
What started as double joy to the parents, Isaac and Rebekah, became a source of double disappointment, sadness and shame. The twins Jacob and Esau were born to the couple after Isaac pleaded to God for 20 years because Rebekah was barren. Esau was a skillful hunter, loving the fields while Jacob was a mild man dwelling in tents. Each parent favored one. Such favoritism led to a lot of trouble in the lives of the twins.

Reflection on January 09 Reading
Reflections · 10. January 2023
Isaac was so blessed by God that he was truly forgiven, became very wealthy and well-provided with a sustenance of running water. Abimelech saw how the Lord was with Isaac and came to establish a peaceful relationship with him and his household and with Abimelech and his army and household. What a testimony of how God truly forgives and blesses His children wherever they are and allows them to become channels of peace.
Reflection on January 08 Reading
Reflections · 09. January 2023
As Christ’s professed followers, it is expected that our hearts should not be anxious because we trust everything to God. However, there are occasions when we succumb to our anxiety and despondency due to our imagined and real fear of what will happen to us when we completely surrender to God; of what consequences such surrender may involve. But unless we have reached this ultimate form of surrender such as what Abraham had, we will not find peace.

Reflection on January 07 Reading
Reflections · 08. January 2023
The ever gracious God, the God of many chances who knows the end from the beginning knows all along when we make mistakes just like Abraham committing the same mistake twice but with His loving-kindness, He allows us a chance to realize our sins, confess to Him and ask for forgiveness.
Reflection on January 06 Reading
Reflections · 07. January 2023
God sees us. God saw Hagar. No matter how far we think we run away or hide from the afflictions that we could hardly bear, He will run towards us or after us, and meet us at our own Beer Lahai Roi!

Reflection on January 05 Reading
Reflections · 06. January 2023
By allowing Lot to choose first did not make it look like Abram left his future to chance. It showed that Abram left it with God. God’s words later reflected God’s hands over this crucial separation from his nephew whom he loved. Assessing the benefits of possessing the well-watered plains and experiencing the wonders of the cities, Lot chose by sight. Abram saw the same things that Lot saw but instead, Abram chose by faith.
Reflection on January 04 Reading
Reflections · 05. January 2023
We know that when our motives stray from obeying God’s will and following the path He leads, that all our efforts, though seemingly unified will lead to destruction. But God loves us so much that He will not allow us to keep going the wrong way. Although the interventions maybe humanly incomprehensible, but He will surely intervene.

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