
Reflection on January 14 Reading

apple of his eyes


And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him. 

~Genesis 37:4


It is one thing to favor someone in one’s heart but another if one shows it.  Joseph, the firstborn son of Jacob from his beloved wife, Rachel was the apple of his eyes. Even when he was young, Jacob was very close to his father probably because his mother passed away in his youth. His eleven brothers were aware of the closeness but couldn’t do anything about it but surely the seed of envy started growing in their hearts.


Jacob made an unwise decision to manifest his partiality when he presented Joseph with a very costly and beautiful coat of multiple colours; such a coat designating a man of unique distinction, ignited the ire of the brothers.  They must have suspected that their father intended to bestow the birthright to him. They hated him even more when he told them of his dreams which meant that they will have to bow to him and he will reign over them. 


Reuben, the eldest must have felt the worse knowing he should have the favor of his father because he was the eldest.  One day when the brothers saw Joseph coming their way while they were feeding their flocks, they conspired to kill him then throw him into a pit.  They would then tell their father that he was devoured by wild animals.  Jealousy could be so much so that they could afford to think of such murderous thoughts to their own sibling. The same spirit that actuated Cain kindled in their hearts and the terrible evil succeeded in drying up the spring of family love.


God would not allow God to happen to His chosen servant.  God had a special purpose for Joseph and His purpose must be accomplished in His time.  God then worked through Reuben.  Reuben did not want to commit any murder and decided they will just cast him into the pit and leave him there.  However, when Joseph came, they stripped him of his beautiful tunic before throwing him in and made money out of him by selling him to the Ishmaelite traders to be brought to Egypt.


What a very sad and shameful way to sever their family relationship.  What a terrible feeling Joseph must have experienced being betrayed by his brothers! There is nothing to be proud about regarding their actions and these led to another evil deed of lying to their own father about what happened. 


Although it seemed this family is dysfunctional yet one grew to be an upright, firm servant of God who will accomplish His purpose of bringing God among the pagans.  When we are attuned to the working of the Holy Spirit, we, like Joseph will be able to endure and come out victorious over all personal shame, family betrayal, isolation and separation. God’s reasons and purpose may not be apparent during the most difficult situations but God will see us through.


Thank you, Jesus, for teaching us the resilience of Joseph.


#Godwillseeusthrough #Resilience