
Reflection on January 11 Reading

a new name


"28 And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”29 Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.  And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there.”


~ Genesis 32:28-29


The crisis that Jacob experienced in his past filled his journey with guilt, doubt and fear.  He had not trusted God fully to accomplish His promise and tried to bring about those things through his own efforts. Things were made worse when his own mother supported a deception that caused him to flee and live a life of exile.

He exhausted his physical energy serving 14 years in order to marry the two women given to him for his brides. He spent another 6 years proving to his father-in-law that he was a hardworking, honest family man who desired only the best for his family and household. Despite his well-meant intentions, Laban was not too happy and got envious because of Jacob’s wealth. However, Jacob left with a happy heart after being reconciled with his father-in-law.

At the crucial moment of his life, Jacob wrestled with God until daybreak. He kept fighting even though his hip joint came out of its socket and will not let go unless He blessed him.  As evidence that he has been forgiven, his name was changed to Israel, meaning He prevailed. There was nothing sweeter that the peace that comes after reconciliation with God, marked by his new name. He was no longer afraid to face the consequences of meeting Esau again.

At the same time that Jacob was wrestling with God, a heavenly messenger visited Esau in his dream.  He saw the agony of his brother and the sadness from the loss of his mother. He longed to meet his brother again. The scene that followed when the two brothers were about to meet was so memorable. Esau came with hundreds of his men and on the opposite side, was Jacob with his wives, his children, and maidservants followed by his herds and flocks. What a contrast!  The lofty versus the lowly.

The sight of Jacob hobbling from his broken hip was such a sad sight to behold that Esau could not wait anymore but run to meet his brother. They embraced and they wept from overwhelming joy, from the flood of peace that swept them and the calming influence of forgiveness.

Gone are the titles losers.  The twins have overcome their weaknesses and won over their anger, their self-reliance, their desire to supplant each other.  They found favor from each other and saw the face of God on their countenances.

O how great is the transformation when we surrender ourselves to God and His ministrations. He comes to us during our deepest need; He erases the pain that sin causes and replaces everything with the joy and peace that only comes from Him.

I look forward to that day when you and I will also each receive our new names, written down in glory. The name that bears our victory over sin, the old is gone and we are all the NEW ME.


Thank you, Jesus, for the promise of a new name.

#newname #forgiven