
Reflection on January 08 Reading



“7 But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, “My father!”

And he said, “Here I am, my son.”

Then he said, “Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”

8 And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together.”

~Genesis 22:7 - 8


In an act of complete surrender, unwavering faith and full obedience to God, Abraham offered his son according to God’s command. Abraham’s test takes us to one of the saddest father/son trail hiking ever recorded. God must have completed His work on Abraham’s character that he demonstrated an amazing transformation, unflinchingly put the wood on top of the altar, bound Isaac and laid him on top ready to be offered.


Offering his one and only son whom he and Sarah waited for a long time was an act of worship, of praising God and acknowledging Him as the Source and Giver of everything.  It reminds me that our children are not our own; nor anything in this world.


The phrase “God will provide”, indeed, symbolizes sublime faith, and spiritual purity; one that only God can gift man with.  It is the outcome when man willingly subjects himself to the working of the Holy Spirit, enabled by God to resist selfish desires and instead, leaves his life and of those he loves in the hands of the Almighty.


It was not surprising for Isaac to possess the same character. He left the choice for his wife to God and allowed his father and Eliezer to execute God’s plans.  Abraham without a doubt, told Eliezer in Genesis 24: 7 ,  “The Lord, the God of heaven, who brought me out of my father’s household and my native land and who spoke to me and promised me on oath, saying, ‘To your offspring I will give this land’—he will send his angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son from there… “


God provided an angel, an invisible guide, who directed the servant’s way, his words and actions so that he was able to convince the family of Rebekah and his journey became successful.  Without hesitation, Rebekah herself sensed God’s purpose and upon invitation for her to go with the servant so she will be able to marry Isaac, she replied, “I will go.”


As believers of God and Christ’s professed followers, it is expected that our hearts should not be anxious because we trust everything to God.  However, there are occasions when we succumb to our anxiety and despondency due to our imagined and real fear of what will happen to us when we completely surrender to God; of what consequences such surrender may involve.  But unless we have reached this ultimate form of surrender such as what Abraham had, we will not find peace.


Let us all be hopeful and courageous.  Our covenant-keeping God fulfilled His promises to Abraham and his descendants and surely, He will do it again.  His power is absolute.  Whatever our needs maybe, God will send His angels to help us along the way, but more importantly, we will see with our very eyes, that God, Himself will provide. 



Thank you, Jesus that you are all always ready to provide.


#Godprovides #Godsendsangels