
Reflection on January 06 Reading

beer lahai roi, god sees


“13 Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, “Have I also here seen Him who sees me?” 14 Therefore the well was called Beer Lahai Roi;

~ Genesis 16:13 – 14 NKJV


The angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar, a maidservant who bore the child of her Master at this well which was called Beer Lahai Roi, meaning “You are the God who sees”.  She ran away from her Mistress who treated her harshly because she committed the mistake of showing contempt when she was carrying the child of Abraham. 


Sarah was overcome with self-pity because she was unable to bear a child of her own at that time and now she couldn’t take the attitude of her maidservant.


Daily Hagar suffered from Sarah’s mistreatment. She was hungering for a kind word, or a show of love as she has been a very obedient slave; Hagar may have felt so unwanted. If day after day, all you receive is hatred and indifference after you've been dutifully obeying everything being told for you to do, you might do as Hagar did. Just run away.


I'm not sure what went through Hagar's mind when she was in the wilderness.  All she sees around are rocks and bushes.  She did not bring any food at all and she was probably getting exhausted.  She had nowhere in mind but just wanted to put as much distance from the place and people who caused her so much misery.  And just as she thought she could not take another step, she sees a spring of water. And then an angel spoke to her!


God cares about Hagar.  God cares about the plight of women who are forced or placed in circumstances not of their own will or even those who chose to be. God sees and He saw Hagar.  His love transcends social status or race.  He went to where Hagar was. Surely we are reassured that God will come to us, wherever we are in the wilderness of our lives, and takes us out from the pit of our adversities and gives us hope.


He saw Hagar's pain and He did not leave her alone. And not only did He take her away from her critical situation, but He reaffirmed her and replaced her hopelessness with a promise of a beautiful future; that is, the promise only given to Abraham but now she also received.  She will have descendants more than she could count. If that does not lift her up, I am not sure what will!


God sees and meets us where we are.  He comes to us.  He allows us to sense His love in His own unique ways.  He could present Himself as the spring that we desperately need when we thirst for love, for support and for help. He uses others even His angels to be near us and be with us.  What a joy to know God is near when we feel we are alone.  His warm embrace is like no other.  God envelopes us with His comforting arms that ease our hurts and fears. 


God knows each one of us by name; He knows everything that we are going through; He hears every little wail and cry for help no matter how faint it is. He wants us to recognize His divine presence, His peace and comfort and grace in the midst of all our difficulties.


Yes, God sees and no matter how far we think we run away or hide from the afflictions that we could hardly bear, He will run towards us or after us, and meet us at our own Beer Lahai Roi!



Thank you, Jesus, for being our spring that never will run dry.


#springoflivingwater #Godisnear #Godsees