
Reflection on January 02 Reading



“ So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

~ Genesis 6:7-8

The three chapters from four to six describe mainly the genealogy of Adam and Eve, with more focus on the descendants of Seth until Noah.  I have noticed how after the birth of Seth’s son, Enosh, in Genesis 4:26 that it was mentioned how men began to call on the name of the Lord.  I believe this verse is telling me how during this time, the people have healed from the tragedy of Cain’s slaying of his brother and him, being an outcast and a vagabond.  This is like a new beginning for the descendants of Adam and Eve and how they have begun to recognize the Lordship of God.


However, many years later, men have turned their backs on God. Their wickedness was so great, that their every intent of the thoughts of their hearts were evil.  And the saddest thing ever is to know that God was saddened by the situation.  It’s not as though He regretted that He created man, but I believe, what it tells me is that although God knew that man will do such evil acts, but He is still sorry for us that after He made us and allowed us to multiply that we are not enjoying the best benefits of what this beautiful world was created for; and that is for us to have a taste of what heaven is like, of the joy and love that we should have for one another, just like His love for us.


The one good thing that was praiseworthy and something we must emulate is that, amidst all the wicked things that were going around, one man stood his ground.  Noah found grace in the eyes of God! If Noah could do it, why can’t we? We should be able to with the help of God. Noah remained steadfast and strong and as such, he became God’s vessel in the preservation of mankind and the bearer of the truth about God’s redemptive power and mercy.


What an opportunity we have to partner with God in the finishing of His work in this end times.  We must persevere and must not be faint-hearted in the midst of these turbulent times.  For we know, something better and bigger is prepared for the faithful ones.



Dear Jesus, please help us to remain faithful and true.