Luke 2:10 says “Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great
joy which will be to all people.”
We will never be able to confirm the real month or exact date the Messiah was born but the Christian world celebrates Christmas on the month of December. It’s called the Season of Joy.
Although it’s the time of the year when the grass and fields are covered with snow and no fresh vegetation are on sight, yet the beautiful snow-capped mountains and powdery snow sitting on the verdant pine trees definitely bring joy and the expectations of fun-filled family gatherings come to mind.
Yet, are people really joyous during this month of December? We all know that there are some pressures and stress that come along with preparing for Christmas but the most important thing for me at least is not about how are we living in this season of joy but are we living the season of joy?
In our daily journey, in our spiritual walk, we experience many seasons: winter, spring, summer or fall. Solomon reminds us in Ecclesiastes that “in everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven…” The experiences described are balanced but at times, we have more of the winter than the summer ones; yet, we must remember, every season has a purpose.
Living the season of joy, does not necessarily come in summer, or specific earthly season. Joy is the fruit of the Spirit, a gift that comes when we walk in the light of His Word and His promises. It’s the gladness coming out from our hearts even though we experience adversity because we know this builds our strength; it’s the assurance that comes after doubting God’s providence when we receive the answers to our prayers; it’s the hope that burns in our hearts after we realize that today is not possible but tomorrow will come in God’s time.
Most importantly it is the good tidings of great joy that live in our hearts knowing that Christ came, then He died and rose again and that we will meet Him again someday when He comes again to take us with Him in the heavenly home, where joy abounds and sadness will be no more.
Thank you, Jesus for being alive in our hearts, and allowing us to experience joy each and every day, no matter what season of the year.