
The Stream and the Pool


Once upon a time a rich young man built his mansion upon a hill.  It was so beautiful that everyone who passed by appreciated its charm.


Then one day, he thought it would be great to build a grand pool down below at his big backyard.  So he summoned all great builders and instructed them to build this curvy deep pool and line it with bushes so people will not see it.


However, he wanted to see it from his palatial room so he can watch its bluish water anytime of the day.  He loved his pool very much but never invited anyone to use it.


A stream at a nearby mountainside started to gather large amount of water and it flowed endlessly throughout the year.  During its journey, the stream reached the pool.  Its streaming clear water contrasted the stagnant blue water of the pool.


“Hi pool,” says the stream.  “How are you?”


“Are you my friend?” asks the pool. 


“How dare you come near me.  Nobody is allowed to come close to me except my Master,” says the pool.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I am just passing by.  It’s my first time to see such big beautiful water but how come I don’t see any plants grow?” asks the stream.


“I have visited some smaller creeks and found so many green moss and tiny little flowers alongside them,” says the stream.


“Hah, have you seen how muddy those creeks can be if the rain comes down?” asks the pool.


“Oh yes, but after the rain, the paths get cleared and new plants grow.  At times, after the rain, some little fish enjoy swimming by,” the stream replies.


“But you pool, aren’t you filled with water when it rains?” asks the stream.


“I am,” the pool says.  “Sometimes, I can overflow.”


“When my Master is home he asks someone to clean me up.  But when he’s gone, well, the water stays for many days and weeks and stinks,” the pool admits. 


“And I change color!”


“I would rather be muddy but continue to flow and refresh the land I pass by than be beautiful and blue but never give life to anything at all.” says the stream.


“I envy you, stream.  I wish I will be free flowing like you.  Always receiving water from the rain and creeks but also giving away part of you, along your way,” says the pool with a sigh.



“Well, my wise Master created me that way,” says the stream.